[WARNING CHROME USERS]: [Chrome has a game breaking bug, so aim might "jump"]

This is the testing page for this FPS I plan on realizing at some point. The controls:

- Movement: WASD

- Aiming: mouse

- Aim down sights: right mouse button

- Shooting: left mouse button

- Reload: r key

Game also supports gamepad controls (For gamepad to work make sure you have clicked in the game frame):

- Movement: Left stick

- Aiming: Right stick

- Aim down sights: LT/L2

- Shooting: RT/R2

- Reload: X or Square

The game is still very early in development, the plan is to have a sensibly sized zone where 4 players can roam trying to clear the horses of red blobs attacking them.

Feedback much appreciated

Development log

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